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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Human’s se7en greatest sins…

Have u ever watched one of the most well-known Japanese anime called “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?”. Kalau tak pernah, rajin2la jenguk kartun tu kat Animax k! astro channel 715 (Malaysia only). For a fantasy lover like me (ehem2), siri anime ni memang best…not only it portrays the strong love power between human being, but it also show us how human can really struggle just to get what they call a “peaceful world”. There are a lot of actions and emotions involved in the plots. Yes they were not real, fiction and very tak masuk akal, but there are some values that we can really get and practice in our real life…

Actually, my point is not about the anime or the values in the series. Did u see the title of my entry? What are human’s 7 greatest sins? For all that matters, the anime I told u above tells it all. Anime yang aku story kat atas for certain memaparkan 7 dosa2 besar manusia. Watak2 yang digunakan iaitu Lust(nafsu), Wrath(kemarahan), Pride(maruah), Greed(tamak), Envy(cemburu), Sloth(malas), Gluttony(gelojoh). Perasan tak dalam anime tu ada watak2 yang aku cakap tu? Kalau tak, kirim salam je la…HAHAHA…so, aku nak story la sikit tentang 7 dosa besar ni…we are humans. Humans are the most intelligent being that GOD has ever created. Tak ada makhluk bernyawa lain semulia manusia. Tapi dalam kesempurnaan ciptaan Tuhan, ada bayaran yang manusia perlu bayar. Dalam diri manusia sejak azalinya telah tertanam 7 sifat yang tersebut diatas. As we grow, those characters are just waiting for their turn to show up…now, I would like to explain a little bit about all those seven sins.

Lust (NAFSU)

Definitely the most common thing we heard and probably, most of us know the meaning of it. But if u don’t, here’s the scoop. “menggoda”, itu la yang aku dapat simpulkan apabila disebut perkataan nafsu. Ya, nafsu memang penuh dengan godaan. No wonder watak “Lust” dalam anime yang aku cakap tadi adalah seorang wanita berpakaian seksi. But, we have to remember that there are so many types of temptations that we have to face in our daily life. Generally, bila dengar nafsu, orang fikir pasal seks. Bukan tak betul, tapi it’s a bit narrow. Apa yang kita nak dalam hidup seharian, itulah yang dikatakan sbg nafsu. Makan, enjoy, kerja, study bla…bla…bla…

Wrath (MARAH)

Bila korang marah, apa korang buat? Well, for most people, bila marah mereka akan for sure bertindak kasar. Well, watak wrath dlm anime tu adalah seorang Raja. Raja yang sgt berkuasa, hebat, kuat dan ofkoz macho. Anyway, that’s the true form of that sin. Sifat marah dalam diri memang kadang2 terpendam, tapi bila sampai masa, ianya akan mengganas. It’s a violent character! Very hard to erase and took longer time than any other sins to fade away from ourselves. We get angry every time, no matter how big the thing that bothers us. *but its not macho though…*

Pride (MARUAH)

We all have pride. For all of us, pride is the most valuable thing that ever existed in our life. Pride requires us to be the best every time. Believe it or not, our pride do not let us to fill the second place in whatever we do in our life. Maruah membawa kpd “ego”. Manusia sememangnya dipenuhi keegoan. Sifat ego mmg tak mau kalah. That’s natural. Even dalam anime tu, watak pride mmg menyerupai namanya. Watak pride tu merupakan mutan or better known as homunculus pertama. Walaupun represented by a small brat, he is definitely the oldest of them all. On top of all, pride is a very arrogant, snobby, and proud sin.

Greed (TAMAK)

Humans were all born with this character. If we want something, we will do anything to get it. That’s just how it goes. Aku msh ingat kata2 cikgu aku dulu, “diberi penampar, nak penumbuk!”. Well, he was joking, but that is the one thing that still sticks in my mind. Manusia mmg tak pernah puas dgn apa yang mereka ada. Dah dapat yang ni, nak yang tu, dah dapat yang tu nak yang lain plak. In the anime, watak greed is a man who have the desire to conquer the world on his own, but finally he realized that the thing he really want is some loyal friends, not the power. I have to admit that it was a wonderful ending for him.


Of all the characters, this probably the most influencing for me. U know, this character revolves around us, but we don’t really realize it. Why? Because this is the feeling that humans really want to deny even if we know we all have it. Manusia sering menafikan yang mereka ada perasaan cemburu. Because it looks stupid when we are jealous about anything. Dalam anime tu pun watak envy ialah seekor rasaksa yang hodoh. And I still remember one of the dialogs “envy is an ugly character”. I assume that it is the reason why people don’t admit it when they are jealous or envy.

Sloth (MALAS)

Watak sloth dalam anime tu muncul agak lewat. Why? Because its sloth! Sloth is slow! HAHAHA…well, siapa tak pernah rasa malas? Semua org malas ok! Malas buat tu, malas buat ni…closest example? Doing assignment for student and going to work. But as far as I experienced, there is one simple solution for it, WE MUST PUSH OURSELVES! “paksa diri, bukan manjakan diri”. I think phrase tu explain tentang sifat malas manusia. Well, kita mesti paksa diri kalau nak dapat apa yang kita nak, even if we have to do it off our limits! Just make it simple, kalau nak Berjaya, kena la berusaha…kan3???!!!

Gluttony (GELOJOH)

Kalau dengar perkataan gelojoh, mesti kita ingat makanan. Kalau tengok watak gluttony dlm anime tu pun, dia adalah seorang lelaki yg gemuk dan kuat makan. But the difference is, he only eats thing that normal people don’t normally eat. Anyway, sifat gelojoh mmg ada dalam diri manusia. Apa yg pasti, gelojoh bukan sekadar makan, but it also involves so many other things. Gluttony berkait rapat dgn Lust. Tak hairan la dalam anime tu korang akan nampak Lust selalu dgn Gluttony.

Uolllsss, thought that u don’t have those characters in u? well, think again, and this time think really deeply and u will find the answer. As for all I know, no matter what we do or how we do it, we will never succeed getting rid of those characters. They are bound to be in us, for good!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

life is really unexpected

dah lama blog ni tak diusik. bukak2 je dah bersarang gilerrr aku now aku nak bersihkan sikit sarang2 tersebut walaupun update aku kali ni tak penting bagi korang...tapi it is absolutely penting bagi aku.

well, tanggal 17 jun 2011, jam 10 pagi lepas aku bangun dari tdow(ehem2...lewatnya!!!) aku terus online. purpose??? seperti yang korang nampak kat atas, slip keputusan result semester lepas...dalam takut2 aku cek jugak and finally, it came out pretty unexpected...AKU LULUS SEMUA SUBJEK!!! all i can say is thank GOD! ALHAMDULILLAH...! syukur sangat2! aku mmg tak expect result tu mcm tu, but i will accept it the way it is...the most surprising thing is subjek yang aku betul2 kantoi pun i am very2 thankful for that. pointer tak la bagus sangat...average maybe. well, for a playful student like me, that kind of result is actually not bad...

what? nak tengok??? of course la tak boleh...LALALALA...cukup la sekadar nampak perkataan LULUS tu...actually tu la yang paling menggembirakan aku time aku tengok result tu...A???aku tak tengok sgt pun...bukan tak hargai A yg aku dapat but ntah la, for a freshman like me, pass is what i'm looking really make myself believe that i belong to where i am and to drive me to better performances in the future...hopefully...

peace, adious!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

mimpi ular=jodoh???

yuhuuuuu y'alls!!!

mimpi...yes, DREAMS! sedang aku konon2 buat blogwalking, aku ternampak la satu blog ni yang story pasal mimpi ular...kalau korang nak tau, baca sendiri. so, aku pun berminat la nak baca jugak. well, curious gak kan. HEHE...bkan nak percaya bulat2, tapi aku anggap tafsiran mimpi macam ni kalau tak betul pun at least akan buat kita terhibur. after all, tafsiran yang dibuat adalah berdasarkan perspektif islam. so tak salah kalau baca dgn khusyuk...HAHAHA...baca punya baca aku pun excited, so nak kongsi la sikit kat korang in case korang tak nak klik kat link yang aku bagi tadi...

ok la, truth be told aku memang pegi googled tafsiran mimpi spesifik utk ular...and, accidently aku terjumpa la blog mamat tadi tu sbb blog dia was the first thing to pop out when i search...actually aku nak sgt cari maksud mimpi ular coz aku pun sering mimpi hasil carian lain yang aku dapat adalah seperti dibawah, cekidaut!

  • Jika anda seorang jejaka atau seorang gadis bermimpi melihat atau dipagut (digigit) ular, bermakna akan segera mendapatkan pasangan atau jodoh.
  • Dan bila anda telah menikah bermimpi demikian, bermakna akan memperoleh kemakmuran hidup.
  • Mimpi melihat ular kecil dengan tiba-tiba berubah menjadi naga, bermakna akan ada orang besar yang menolong anda.
  • Melihat ular berwarna-warni, bersirat kebahagiaan segera terbayang pada anda.
  • Mimpi melihat ular yang banyak sekali, bermakna akan panjang umur.
  • Mimpi dikelilingi banyak ular, bermakna firasat akan banyak orang yang memusuhi anda.
haaa... tu je yang aku dapat setelah berusaha mencari walaupun banyak dugaan dan cabaran yang perlu aku hadapi(line broadband slow)...pendek kata tafsiran mimpi yang berkaitan dgn ular ni kebanyakannya best!kan???!
tapi boleh caye ke tafsiran tu? well, aku bukan tak nak caye, but as far as i've experienced, ever since i started to dream about snakes, takde satu pun tafsiran di atas yang terjadi kat aku...why? walaupun benda2 tu nampak exciting kalau betul2 berlaku and i'm sure i'm gonna be happy if one of those things become reality...but i don't know. maybe its not time yet. so sabar je la...HaHa

ok la, kalau korang pun pernah mimpi ular mcm aku, tak kisah la ular tu gigit, kejar, besar, kecik eee semua la, aku nak bagitau yang jangan la nak percaya sgt...yes aku tau yang tafsiran tu dari sudut pandangan islam and i'm sure its gonna make u guys confident about the prophecy and everything, but come back to reality...remember that we are living our life, in real world, not in dream and fantasy world...

anyway, GOD is giving us the signs and its up to us to make the next move. if u know what i mean...TATA!

thank you for visiting my blog