Hey guys!
pagi ni aku bangun awal sebab...errrr tak tau sebab apa.
entry ni dah lama aku nak buat...
rutin aku bila dah masuk semester baru, i'll post something about my new but not-so-new campus life.
my campus...yang kecik tu KBM. bangunan sebelah tu(Graha Maju) dua tingkat uitm sewa and most of my class adalah kat Graha |
KBM welcomes me back with open arms!
semester ni i'm officially, or technically bergelar "senior"
Beware juniors! Bad Kacang is in da house!!!
Muahahaha...kidding je!
aku budak baik...senior yang sangat baik, penyayang, suka tolong sape2 okayhhh!
owh and by the way, aku dah masuk semester 4 aka part 4 aka second year and i'm gonna finish my study in a year!
when i arrived hear couple of weeks ago,
i was damn bored!
though some people might say i'm actually in heaven because me and my classmates don't have packed days with classes!
yeah, we have one class per day, 3 classes top...
free on friday etc...
people say it's heaven, but we say it's a series of boredom and depression!
But i have to say that we're blessed to have many free times compared to others.
the benefits???
1. more time to do assignments
2. more time to hang out with friends
3. saves money to buy lunch whenever i'm so lazy to go out
4. more private time in my room...without my roommate
5. being able to spend my to online...
6. my most favorite activity of them all, more time for me to
however, there are some downside of having more time in the room compared to being in the class...
1. lonely and bored!
2. got nothing to do.
3. feeling like crazy!
pemandangan dari bilik aku. malam2 aku suka termenung sorang2..ngeh3 |
we've got some assignments recently. some are light and some are pretty heavy.
well' tourism students are said to be the most active bunch of people when it comes to touring.
and that's exactly what our assignments are about!
i will be travelling to places...God willing.
hopefully those assignments will keep my time a little occupied than it normally is... :)
the most recent news is, we just found out that we're going to do our industrial training during this coming semester break!
to make it worse, we're gonna do it twice!
this coming semester break (6 weeks), and next semester's break (another 6 weeks).
but the interesting part is we get to choose two(2) different places to do our practical!
but i'm really confuse though..where am i going to apply for that practical???
p/s today's class is going to be at 2.30 P.M till 6.30 P.M...
*KBM...nama singkat untuk UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka. GOT IT!