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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Satu Hari di Bulan Puasa

Salam Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah hari ni dah 1 Ramadhan,
maksudnya hari ni hari pertama kita berpuasa.
baru separuh hari.
ada lagi 6 jam sebelum berbuka bagi aku yang kat sini (Sarawak)
yang kat semenanjung tu jangan jeles ea aku berbuka dulu dari korang.
lain kali duduk la kat sini time bula puasa,
boleh makan awal... HAHAHAHA...gurau je
aku nak ucap Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa je kat korang2.
Bulan puasa ni banyak2 la buat baik,
kawal gerak geri, kawal nafsu, kawal lidah dan percakapan.
jangan main cakap lepas je,
takut apa yang kita cakap tu jadi dosa.
Tarawih kalau boleh biar penuh,
Zakat jangan lupa bayar,
Kat Sarawak tahun ni zakat RM6.20.
korang macam mana?

yummy!!! sedap!!!

Jangan lupa shopping baju raya! HAHA...
lagi satu,
jom ramai2 serbu bazar Ramadhan.
mesti ada banyak makanan yang sedap2.
beli beli jugak tapi jangan melampau.
membazir namanya tu...

oh ya,
bulan puasa ni tak elok tido banyak.
tak elok tau
 Makhruh! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012


I just finished another episode of my re-run Ugly Betty,
the Christmas episode where both Betty and Hilda got their pregnancy test which finally ended up with Hilda is the one who's having the baby.
along the episode, i noticed of something that caught my attention,
when Matt looked at Betty and he said that she was glowing,
then Betty answered that Matt made her glow.
Very sweet!!!
and i ended up making this entry...
enjoy the poem.

Love is like fireworks
for when it happens
people are amazed

Love is like fireworks
cause it can lead
to beautiful things

Love is like fireworks
for when it gets dark
you light up my world

Love is like fireworks
you can't find
the exact one anywhere else

Love is like fireworks
for when it gets cold
you can keep warm

Love is like fireworks
for when it's over
you can't believe it is

Love is like fireworks
your heart starts
a beating in excitement

Love is like fireworks
for there are rules
for how close you can get

Love is like fireworks
for it leaves
a memory you won't ever forget

Love is like fireworks. <3

p/s penat taip Love is like fireworks. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

it's not unusual

i wish i have something good to say to you right now,

but honestly all i can say is i'm sorry,
sorry for not being sensitive enough to understand you,
for not being so knowledgeable enough to know that those will hurt you,
i'm sorry my dear.
i really do...

just a few moments earlier i said that i made my blog to express my feelings,
because i'm clueless, speechless, and wordless when it comes to face to face conversation,
so here i am,
writing this entry,
just for you,
a very special one,
and i hope you will like it,
though it's not perfect.

You are adorable!
first of all i just wanna say that i've never known anybody like you before,
you make me smile for just receiving a text from you,
make me laugh just by listening to your jokes,
make my heart beats fast by hearing you say sweet2 words.
i can honestly say that i've never felt anything like this with anyone before.
then i knew you,
sure we haven't known each other for a long time,
but i feel like i've known you since forever.
i mean is this for real?
you make my world go round again!

Awww so cute!
i admit it, 
you are cute!
your smile,
your voice,
your laughter.
sure i met a lot of cute people in my entire life,
but you've got another package with you,
and that is your charm.

We have a lot in common!
i've never known anybody who has a lot of things in common with me before,
until i met you,
day by day,
i just discovered one after another,
things that we both share,
our interest,
our passion,
our character,
our emotions...
all i can say is,
WOW! we've got chemistry!

Your sensitivity is your charm!
i know you are quite sensitive,
i can see it,
for all my life,
i've been pretty sensitive myself,
that makes us no different,
i understand how you feel,
i understand it when you're sad,
i understand it when you're down.
but above all,
one thing that i learnt,
please don't change anything about you,
just be yourself,
whoever you are.
people are going to talk about us,
mostly bad things,
but please don't take them as an obstacle,
take them to make you feel more powerful.
i know it's hard,
i've been struggling too,
but the best thing to be done is,
well sometimes ignorance is bliss.

i don't know what am i talking about actually,
i guess i'm just a little down right now,
and feeling guilty too.
if by any chance that you read this,
i hope you understand,
and forgive me,
and accept me for who i am,
because i'm doing my best to love and to be loved by you. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

cloud 9

i promised my self to write something on this blog yesterday but nothing was done.
so by hook or by crook i must write something now!
it's silent tonight,
more silent than ever perhaps,
probably because i'm alone in my room,
accompanied by my laptop,
with facebook. twitter, online radio (Fly FM), and of course my beloved blog!
the room is dark,
i'm not saying that i'm lonely,
but i am alone right now.
lonely and alone, same root word but different meaning.
ow Gosh! what am i going to write???
tonite as i scroll down my facebook wall,
i realized of something peculiar.
i checked my notification and i saw somebody tagged a picture of me.
what picture???
please check my facebook page yourself!
but all i can say is that picture was nice, sweet and it made me fall in love!
i really wanna do picture like that.
i envy your talent... :p
okay, enough with that.

i really don't know what to write though.
so i guess i should sleep now.
although i know that i have another paper this coming Thursday,
i know that i have to do my revision,
but above all,
i prefer sleeping.
so gudnite peeps!
have a nice dream.

thank you for visiting my blog