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Saturday, December 22, 2012

setiap permulaan ada penamat

selamat petang! macam nak hujan je kat luar tu. pape pun aku duduk sorang2 kat bilik ni. apartment dah sunyi sebab semua balik cuty study week! then datang la ilham nak update blog. dah agak lama tak update. nampak tak tajuk tu? jiwang dan saspen kan...tapi aku buat tajuk tu semata2 sebab semester 4 aku dah habis!yahooo...hari ni nak share something yang paling recent aku alami. well, hari ahad lepas (16.12.12), fakulti ada anjurkan dinner. tema kesultanan meleyu melaka. aku tak payah nak story panjang2 pasal dinner tu. apa yang aku simpulkan, malam tu semua orang pakai grand, vogue, semua la! yang pasti aku rasa semua ikut tema...termasuk aku!

so now aku nak share gambar2 malam tu je...hehe

gambar kelas...yang baju hitam tu bukan classmate aku! kahkahkah

teka yang mana lecturer???

red carpet...tapi snap ramai2

models y'all! gitewww
semalam aku baru abiskan last presentation of the semester. club management. lega sangat dah abis sebab aku berjaga buat preparation! so sekarang dah masuk study week, 3 januari aku ada 1st paper. service management! carry mark belum keluar lagi, tapi aku rasa i'm doing okay sem ni. Insyaallah!

staff baru mahkota
this entry is going to be my last for this year. aku nak wish selamat bercuti study week kat semua kawan2 aku, good luck for final exams, to all my lecturers, halalkan semua ilmu. :)
see u guys tahun depan Insyaallah! 

p/s malam dinner tu aku dapat award "King of the Day" kbai!

Monday, December 3, 2012

the distance

I hear you crying and I know
What it's like to be alone
You're scared and I'm not there
It's like you're living with a ghost
Someone you can't hold
And you say it's so unfair

And just so you know
The distance is what's killing me
Time and space have become the enemy
And what I need is so far away
And so it goes
The distance makes it hard to breathe
My heart won't let go easily
I don't want to be this far away

I'm lying by myself
The silence seems to swell
Someday this all will change

It's a temporary pain
See your face and speak your name
Till then I'll scream into the night

Well I've got my life
And you've got my world tonight
And I miss you

I don't want to be this far away...

*extracted from the song "the distance" by Hot Chelle Rae

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