ok la...wanna clear things up a bit here...bukan nak kutuk, bukan nak caci, just nak explain my action. yes aku diam je bila duduk dgn korang, aku senyum je bila korang tanya, because that's the way i do it...I OBSERVE PEOPLE! before ambik further action, aku mesti siasat latar belakang org dulu. blog aku, aku punya pasal. takde sape boleh larang aku nak tulis pasal ape. even benda tu mengguris perasaan org yang baca. well, bila kita cakap benda BURUK yang betul, ofkoz org benci. tapi tu hakikat k...lambat laun orang akan tau.
i'll continue to write whatever i want in my blog. provocative as it will be, i'll continue doing it no matter what! remember Tun. Dr. Mahathir? he speaks the truth, the ugly truth. many people hates him, but does he care? he did what's necessary at that moment. his intention? why did he continue to provoke? he didn't seek for everyone's hatred, not at all. he did it to stand on his ground. his philosophy. he did it not for him, it was for everyone. it shows that he's not self-centered person at all. he's a good example of what i'm doing right now, i stand on my ground. i speaks the truth, not for me, for all of us. so that nobody will underestimate us...GOT IT??? i always talk about be a grown up...so please don't make a fuss about your tiny little drama in the class. "we" hate it! aku tak cakap pun aku perfect, aku tak cakap pun aku bagus. aku just menggunakan hak aku untuk bersuara, walaupun hanya kat blog. maybe cara aku pasif, tapi at least aku luahkan apa yang aku nak.
so kalau korang nak benci or pulaukan aku kat kelas, lantak korang la. aku dah tak tau nak buat apa dah...PERIOD!
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