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Sunday, April 3, 2011

please lah...!

missing???hmmm...what's the point of this feeling? i've been missing many kind of people that came by in my life, but none of them lasts.i mean the feelings toward them ..missing someone's suck!!!i hate it! why does this kinda feeling exist? i don't have the answer. all i know is i've felt it before and now i'm too saturated to feel it heavily...feels like i'm invincible now, not showing my emotions at least to people around me. i'm not vulnerable like before anymore. what if someone misses me so much??? all i can say is thank you soooo much, but save your feelings coz i can never feel the same way ...sorry. if u wanna miss me, its suits you, ITS YOUR FAULT ANYWAY!!! why did i say its your fault??? all these while i've been learning to control my emotions, my feelings...what did i get?

its not worth it...its a sick game.
WHY? because u are overacting for sure... yes u can miss someone, but control your feelings please. dont get trough it too much. it will definitely torture you, not the person u miss...i hope you understand...


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