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Monday, September 26, 2011

give me more *****!

hello all...boys and girls! gediksss and b*****s sekalian! greetings from me! saje la nak mencarut tengah hari buta yang panassss ni kan...entah kenapa sejak aku sampai sini aku rasa weekend dia boring sangat2! agaknya kenapa ekk??? pagi2 macam biasa la, ofkoz aku akan bangun lambat. paling awal pun pukul 10. tapi hari ni pukul 12 baru aku bangun...macam ape ntah kan??!! HAHAHA...lepas bangun tak tau plak nak buat ape. yang lagi pelik, aku memang super malas nak keluar dari bilik, apatah lagi nak keluar dari rumah...duduk kat sini macam tak happening langsung. dulu kat kolej senang je nak keluar walaupun diorang limitkan sampai pukul 11 malam je. tapi sekarang bila dah takde limit, rasa malas plak nak angkat punggung...member2 aku semua pakat duduk umah walaupun cakap nak keluar...kiranya kalau nak keluar tu nak kena guna effort lebih la. perlukan kegigihan nak meredah halangan sepanjang perjalanan...HUAHUAHUA!

all and all, seriously aku boring sangat2 kat sini...nak turun makan pun susah...apa jenis pemalas pun aku tak tau la...HAHAHAHA...

ok la, enough with that...aku nak menikmati pemandangan indah dari tingkap bilik(merenung masa depan)walaupun hanya nampak bangunan n kereta lalu lalang... babai!

p/s sape2 nak hang out, bawak aku keluar jalan2 contact la no. ni...014******4(*error) kui3...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

semakin terasa...tettt tettt tetttt*

hello guys! it's been a week now since i updated my now rasa macam ada masa fact aku memang free and alone at home(tak sedar assignment berlambak). what a boring day! dah 2 weeks study, i'm starting to feel the pressure. not only the classes, home works and the assignments, but also the activities, programs, and events that we're going to do for the rest of the semester. kalau nak diikutkan sem ni lagi rilek dr sem lepas coz kelas tak pack, but somehow, sem ni macam lagi busy with everything!DARN IT!!! kelas malam pun ada...korang yang study kat KBM ni tau la macam mana azabnya duduk kat dalam KBM malam2...HAHAHA

tambah2 plak ada kelas yang super boring contohnya teeetttttt*...dengan lecturer yang super weird! yuckkkkssss! tapi what the hell, i'll just ignore all those things! HEHEHE...bukan 1st time aku kenal orang macam tu, in fact aku lebih kenal. more than anyone! seriously! but on top of that, i feel better bila masuk kelas yg satu lagi...ehem2...kelas apakah itu? and weirdly masa kelas ehem2 ni, aku miraculously tak rasa sejuk! gedik lak! whatever la kan...kelas lain aku tak nak so je...

ok la guys...blank la time ni coz environment kat sini bising, plus aku tak mandi lagi!HAHAHAHAHA. malas nak story banyak2...

p/s i'm so bored right now...sape2 free bawak la aku klua jalan2.boling ke, karaoke ke, movie ke...keh3

Monday, September 19, 2011

what can we do to change the world?

manusia kadang2...actually selalu fikir yang mereka boleh mengubah dunia, mampu mencipta satu budaya baru menggantikan yang sedia ada. paling common, manusia at least fikir yang mereka boleh melindungi family. worse case scenario, to change the world. well for sure mereka mahukan family yang lebih bahagia, dan dunia yang lebih aman, tanpa sebarang isu kemasyarakatan, politik, peperangan dan sebagainya. hakikatnya ramai antara kita yang sangat2 ambitious sehingga mampu berfikiran jauh seperti itu. but you know what? history has proved that nobody has ever succeeded in doing any of those. as the matter of fact, things got worse! 

take example of Mother Teresa. she might be has inspired so many people into doing some very noble things for humanity. she helped so many people during the time of her life. but did it last for long? sadly to say, the answer is NO! i still remember when i was a kid, my teacher blew a balloon and wrote "SELF ESTEEM" on the side of it and put it on the wall. she told us that we are all like that balloon. If we didn’t have any self esteem, we would only be limp and small and sad. Everyone else seemed really inspired, but it didn’t click very well with me. Watching that balloon on the wall deflate a little bit each day until it withered away…I felt that self esteem didn’t do much other than make people falsely large for a little while. But no one else seemed to notice. Everyone kept going along their short little lives, puffed up with their self esteem, getting smaller and smaller each day. truth is, those kind of thinking inspires more and more people to thinking and doing things that they can't actually do! isn't that insane???

What I hate the most are those idealistic people who think they can change the world. Behind all those grand ideas of a better life, I think they’re just desperate to be remembered. Desperate to keep their withering balloons filled so they can feel important. But things never change. No matter how hard you fight, it hardly makes a difference. One person’s life is just a drop in a bucket. A lot of people think I’m real pessimist because I think this way, but it doesn’t really bother me at all. It’s easier to live life if I don’t have to worry about changing the world. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

study mode!

dah masuk sem baru...hmmm...malasnya nak masuk kelas. kalau nak ikutkan, cuti 4 bulan tu aku nak panjangkan sampai 5 bulan, jadi 6 bulan, 7 bulan 8, 9, 10 bulan....HAHAHA...1st day sampai kampus rs berat je hati. nak balik! pelik 1st time sampai dulu takde plak rs homesick. member aku cakap maybe bcoz lama sgt cuti, tu la rs tak best je tiba2 tinggalkan rumah, kampung, bandar, n negeri tercinta...

well, anyway aku kena la jugak harungi 5 bulan ni. sem ni as usual ambik 8 subjek and a few of them boleh dikatakan agak susah. (habisla aku!!!). for sure stress level akan meningkat, kekerapan migrain akan bertambah, dan mental disorder akan semakin menjadi2...

ok la, i just wanna wish a very gudluck to all of my frens yang made it to this new sem, my classmates, housemates and everyone! belajar rajin2!!!

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