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Saturday, May 18, 2013

everything's okay

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything's okay

Woke my weary head
Crawled out of my bed
Nothing's going right, shadow's took the light
And I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"

Sometimes I need a little sunshine
And sometimes I need you

I gave my hope to you
When you were nearly through
And you said, "Oh, I can't go on"
Well, now I need it back
'Cause I have got a lack of all that's good
And I can't go on

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything's okay

*extracted from the song "everything's okay" by lenka

Thursday, May 16, 2013

the price of attention

Remember sometimes in our life we feel like we're the useless person in the whole wide world?
And at the moment we feel that, we said to ourselves that we should have never been born at all.
We cried and cried and cried for as much and as long as we could.
Just to make us feel better.
Because we feel like there's nobody out there who's willing to hear us saying what they think "whining" about how cruel life is.
And right at that moment when we feel like everybody is trying to push us away,
There is somebody...approaching us out of nowhere,
Reaching us to the deepest of our hearts,
And trying as hard as they could just to make us feel better.
Who wouldn't want somebody like that to ever exist for even once in our lifetime?
The person who's always there to listen,
To share not only laughter, but also tears.
But unfortunately, there aren't anybody out there who's able to be that person.
Because the truth is they don't really exist.
Well not forever..
They did appear in our life,
But the problem is, we just don't know how to appreciate.
We ignore them when they care about us,
We try to push them away,
Because we feel like what they say is something everybody can say,
typical and irritating.
Why is that?
Think about it.
Appreciate what we have while we still have it.
Because as far as that caring feeling stay depends on how we appreciate it.
Don't ever let good things slip away cause the regret is gonna last forever.

Kacang dan Pesta Kaul 2013

Hey people!
We meet again after a few hours.
Kali ni aku just nak share gambar sikit..
gambar apa tu?? aku nak story morykan..
Hujung bulan April hari tu aku balik kampung sebab cuti mid sem seminggu..saja nak balik.
kebetulan jugak time tu ada Pesta Kaul kat tempat aku..
apa itu Pesta Kaul??

Menurut encik wikipedia:
Originating from the animistic beliefs traditionally held by the Melanaus, the Pesta Kaul is held annually in Bulan Pengejin (The month of the Spirits) of the Melanau Calendar, which is usually in March or early April, as a purification and thanks giving to appease the spirits of the sea, land, forests and farm. It coincides with the end of the Northeast monsoon, once a time of hardship when the sea was too rough to fish and the villages often suffered from flooding. Traditionally, Villages would be palei or taboo for days before Kaul. No one was allowed to leave or enter, and people underwent purification ceremonies during Kaul. The celebration of Kaul concluded with a communal picnic at the river mouth, followed by a return to the village and again three days of prescribed restrictions.

Itu la sejarah Kaul ye anak2..
so kat bawah ni aku share gambar2 hari tu..
tak banyak pun since aku hanya pergi sehari je,
tu pun dah senja..
nak snap gambar gelap plak..
Sedih medih pedih la jugak kan!

Masa ni tak ramai orang lagi.

kat hujung tu ada live band..sedap jugak muzik dia

Antara booth cantik yang aku nampak

Kaul tak sah kalau takde benda ni.. pride of Melanau, TIBOW

Orang Melanau ni penuh Mistik..tiap satu patung ni ada nama. tapi patung2 ni namanya DAKAN. digunakan untuk tujuan perubatan.

Yang ni aku tak tau...aku curi2 tangkap gambar. nampak macam duyung pun ada.

Bercengkerama di bawah sinaran lampu minyak tanah.. eh

Baju I Love Kaul Mukah yang aku tak beli...sosad!
Opsss! macam mana boleh ada gambar ni plak?? BITCHY sangat yang baju putih tu!
P/s Kaul kali ni tak semeriah dulu..aku syak sebab PRU13 hari tu...sibuk berkempen kan!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

entri tak bertajuk

Salam malam sunyi dari penulis...chewahh. jiwang plak kan tengah2 malam buta ni.

malam ni aku saja nak menajamkan kembali ilmu penulisan blog yang dah lama aku tinggalkan..
blog pun dah bau hapak! sembur febreez sebotol pun belum tentu wangi.. sedihhh!
malam ni jugak aku diserang penyakit tak mampu tido. entah kenapa penyakit ni datang balik..korang mampu?? 
dan sebab terakhir aku update blog ni sebab aku dah janji kat blog ni yang tiap2 bulan aku akan update sekurang2nya 1 hari ni dah masuk tengah bulan Mei. agak lambat la gigih la aku mencari idea nak mencarut.

Anyway, mukadimah dah sudah. 
Tapi kan...otak aku agak blank malam ni..
bukan tak tau nak tulis pasal apa, 
tapi aku tak tau nak tulis macam mana..
banyak sangat benda dalam otak sampai semua berebut nak keluar.
last2 otak aku serabut, sampai jammed. 

sekarang aku dalam proses nak buat entry baru..tapi tak boleh reveal lagi. nantikan! 


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