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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kacang dan Pesta Kaul 2013

Hey people!
We meet again after a few hours.
Kali ni aku just nak share gambar sikit..
gambar apa tu?? aku nak story morykan..
Hujung bulan April hari tu aku balik kampung sebab cuti mid sem seminggu..saja nak balik.
kebetulan jugak time tu ada Pesta Kaul kat tempat aku..
apa itu Pesta Kaul??

Menurut encik wikipedia:
Originating from the animistic beliefs traditionally held by the Melanaus, the Pesta Kaul is held annually in Bulan Pengejin (The month of the Spirits) of the Melanau Calendar, which is usually in March or early April, as a purification and thanks giving to appease the spirits of the sea, land, forests and farm. It coincides with the end of the Northeast monsoon, once a time of hardship when the sea was too rough to fish and the villages often suffered from flooding. Traditionally, Villages would be palei or taboo for days before Kaul. No one was allowed to leave or enter, and people underwent purification ceremonies during Kaul. The celebration of Kaul concluded with a communal picnic at the river mouth, followed by a return to the village and again three days of prescribed restrictions.

Itu la sejarah Kaul ye anak2..
so kat bawah ni aku share gambar2 hari tu..
tak banyak pun since aku hanya pergi sehari je,
tu pun dah senja..
nak snap gambar gelap plak..
Sedih medih pedih la jugak kan!

Masa ni tak ramai orang lagi.

kat hujung tu ada live band..sedap jugak muzik dia

Antara booth cantik yang aku nampak

Kaul tak sah kalau takde benda ni.. pride of Melanau, TIBOW

Orang Melanau ni penuh Mistik..tiap satu patung ni ada nama. tapi patung2 ni namanya DAKAN. digunakan untuk tujuan perubatan.

Yang ni aku tak tau...aku curi2 tangkap gambar. nampak macam duyung pun ada.

Bercengkerama di bawah sinaran lampu minyak tanah.. eh

Baju I Love Kaul Mukah yang aku tak beli...sosad!
Opsss! macam mana boleh ada gambar ni plak?? BITCHY sangat yang baju putih tu!
P/s Kaul kali ni tak semeriah dulu..aku syak sebab PRU13 hari tu...sibuk berkempen kan!


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