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Sunday, October 16, 2011

facts about bloggers

hye all...

it's been a long time since i came around, it's been a long time but i'm back in time...alamak, lady gaga la plak...HAHA...
rindu I tak??? nak gedik sikit nih...hik3

main point aku hari ni nak isi masa lapang plus mengurangkan keboringan yang dah cecah tahap melampau kat macam nak bunuh diri je weyhhh!!!

ok la, sape readers blog ni yang juga seorang blogger? angkat tangan macam saya...
korang tau tak fact about bloggers? aku pun tak tau, but as far as i know, there are a lot of things we could see when it comes to blogging as well as bloggers...after a little considerations, discussion and gives and takes with the highest council(myself), it came to the following results...cekidaut!!!

1) bloggers are people full of emotions...but they don't know how to express those feelings. WHY?
take a good look at any post by personal they use their words in their sentences...normally they will use what i call "ayat bunga2" in their bukan, indirect pun bukan...bloggers ni suka pusing2, menyimpang sana-sini sampai readers tak tau diorang discuss pasal kalau perhatikan betul2, diorang memang nak sampaikan at least satu emosi kpd readers, but the thing is their words are so complicated!

2) bloggers are people full of lies...cakap tu, cakap ni, nasihat tu, nasihat ni but they themselves pun sama je. macam h***m...HAHAHA...why did i say that? coz I am a blogger myself! imagine u're reading someone's blog and blogger tu bagi nasihat kat korang about hoe to deal with certain problems...readers for sure akan baca dgn teliti. but when it comes to the bloggers themselves, what they give is not what they practice...but the thing is, whatever they say in their posts, ada kebenarannya...nasihat yang diorang bagi pun boleh pakai.

3) bloggers are a bunch of people who don't have other word, they are "pendiam" in reality.
yup, believe it or not, it's true. bloggers yang mula2 buat blog akan post entry2 skema nak m****s! tapi bila dah lama, perhatikan apa yang jadi. they transformed into the most daring people ever in terms of their way of speaking! so what's the downside of blogging? very the BENEFICIAL beb! berbaloi jd blogger ni! HAHA

4) bloggers are story tellers...kalau masuk bertanding bercerita memang jadi champion! bab reka2 cerita ni bloggers memang pandai. betul tak? bayangkan korang tgh baca entry kat satu blog ni...bloggers ni plak story pasal satu kisah menyedihkan. TOUCHING gitu! masa baca tu korang boleh plak nangis siap ready satu kotak tisu depan the very beginning of the enrtry blogger tu mention yang kisah tu adalah the very true story of him/her, tiada kaitan dgn yang hidup atau yg telah mati. bila dah habis baca, korang percaya bulat2 cerita ala2 touching tu...all I can say is TAKDE MAKNANYA!!! all those stories are just rekaan semata-mata!

5) bloggers are damn cute, handsome, beautiful...but at the same time very shy2 cat...dalam blog bukan main kutuk orang sana-sini, kritik orang tu, ktitik orang ni, KECOH je lebih! tapi bloggers tak sebarkan fitnah k! but the point is, bila korang jumpa blogger ni in person, u'll begin to realize that what u imagine of them in their blog is not the same as they really are...but one thing for sure, bloggers are CUTE!!! setuju tak my fellow bloggers???HAHAHAHA

that's all i wanna say...perah otak berjam2 dah semata2 untuk entry ni.kalau korang ada idea nak tambah, komen la.kalau tak pun PM is I nak buat assignment yang langsung tak disentuh...lalalala~babai u alls!!!

p/s ngantuk glerrr...zzzZZZ


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