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Monday, January 9, 2012

bengang vs bangang

prrr...hari ahad lagi. 5 days to my next two papers LOL! and u know what? i haven't had my revision yet! i've been stuck in front of my laptop since i woke up this morning. and now, without any concern of taking bath or having my lunch, i continue to mencarut on my blog...

but my idea is blurry today. i'm mad actually. earlier today, somebody came to my room...entering without manner, asking for my room mate. that i don't mind...but then something else happened. he took my beats headphone and said to my friend to borrow it! what the hell???! it's mine for God sake!!! how could that idiot took my belonging just like that! further later i asked my friend to ask for my headphone back cause i wanna use it. but something really annoying happened again! that foolish brat is now not around! totally FUCK man!!!

then it came to my mind to talk about it...about what? about having no manners while borrowing other people's property that they don't have any tiny right on it!
pelik bila tengok orang macam ni. masuk rumah orang tak bagi salam. tau2 suara macam gorila! ketawa berdekah2 tak ingat dunia. tak fikir pasal orang langsung! dah tu guna barang orang sesuka hati. kalau mintak kebenaran takpe jugak. ni HARAM! nak pinjam at least bagitau la kat orang yang punya angin takde ribut takde tiba2 barang orang dah hilang. honestly aku tak tuju kat sape2 in particular. but based on experience, bukan first time mengalami benda macam ni. and i'm telling you, aku sangat bengang ok! 


nak kata bangang, tapi masuk Universiti, blaja tinggi2...tapi kenapa perangai macam tu? tak faham aku! 
da la...malas aku nak layan...better aku kunci pintu dan tdo! nikmati hari2ku before study and exam...adious!


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