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Monday, May 2, 2011

who knows...

pernah tak korang dgr ada org pandai baca fikiran org lain? well, diorang ni actually mmg wujud, tapi tak ramai. in fact one of my friend kata dia boleh baca fikiran orang bila tengok wajah org tu. tahap ketepatannya? aku pun tak tau sebab kalau dia dh baca fikiran org, dia takkan bagitau org tu. kejam kan? buat org curious je!!! tu hak dia, anugerah yang dia dpt. tp sometimes org mcm ni confuse dgn kebolehan tu. confuse whether it is gift or curse. knp dorang boleh fikir its a curse? bcoz kadang2 kebolehan diorang akan mengganggu fikiran diorang sendiri. contohnya buat diorang down. how? yela, kalau baca fikiran org yang fikir baik2 psl kita takpe la jugak, tapi kalau kena yang suka kutuk2 org dalam hati? lagi parah kalau kena kat org yg boleh bc fikiran tu, tak ke bahaya. nampak tak tamparan yang diorang dapat?

ok la, actually point aku bukan nak cite psl baca fikiran org. my main point is about knowing other people's feelings. i bet nobody can ever understand, know or feel what other people's feelings, NOBODY! they might say they have been through a lot of things in their life, but is it strong enough for them to say they understand what other people feel whenever they are feeling down? i dare to say NO, they don't. but why on earth did they say "i know how you feel, and i'm so sorry for you"...? one reason to be sure, they just want to make the person they are talking to feel better. when people feels down, its normal to see there will be somebody came and say sweet sweet words that can regain their spirits. its TYPICAL!

it is good to hear those motivating words, but again hey, they're just saying that! to have somebody who can understand us is good, really good. but unfortunately, it is only a LIE!!! beautiful lie...


encik kacang said...

understanding people is hard, son don't ever try...

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